Category Archives: hoodie


No he salido de casa porque sufro de Raynaud ya que se me congelan mis extremidades, lo cual no me permite hacer actividades normales como cualquier persona, y muchos me dicen que parezco una mujer invisible por lo pálida que estoy, pero bueno, espero que este día esté menos frío y así poder salir a hacer una búsqueda de nuevos libros que leer.

(free people images)


My love is like the sun that warms me when I am cold,
And like the cool water of the brook that refreshes me.

My love knows the secret pleasures of my soul,
And delights with me in fulfilling them.

Who is my love but the soul of my soul,
And the reason for every beat of my heart.

Who fills me with life in the joy of her presence,
And returns to me more than I have given.

Come to me, my love, I die without you.
Each day is eternity, waiting for your touch.

Remove the tears from my eyes and the ache in my heart,
Be closer than my breath, all my days, all my nights.

(images free people) (Author: Phillip Varady Sr. (Excerpted from The Stonebearers) )