{ Birdie }

Con un poema, para ilustrar la obra de Shawn Stucky,

Nature is mystical
and brilliant with love
and brought us such joy
on the wings of a dove

I stood in the parlor
watching their arrival
as they sought a safe home
to ensure their hatchlings survival

They flew in and out
returning each time
a twig in their beaks
and cooing sublime

The patio is sheltered
No rain enters there
and the fan so high up
perfection for the pair

Their nest built and comfy
they settled in tight
and covered the eggs
all day and all night

And then it happened
The miracle occurred
The hatchlings came forth
Tiny wings on a bird

(images from shawnstucky)

2 thoughts on “{ Birdie }

  1. Sí! 😉 ¿Ya visitaste su webpage? Ahí tiene muchas ilustraciones más, un artista de primera. De seguro aquí en México habrá alguien que se dedique a lo mismo…espero.

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