{ Un soñador de sueños }

Un poema que me gustó recientemente dice…

You have come to me from a distant land,
Dreamer of dreams, to fill my hearts desire,
Sweet music flowing from your nimble hand
That plays within... to light my passion's fire.

A symphony of word and thought you bring.
Excitement builds upon crescendo's sound,
Brought forth in tones to make my light heart sing
For all the beauty that, with you, I've found.

A life is changed in just an instant's time,
All darkness fled before that brillaint sun
That shines from spoken words of softest rhyme
And speaks of treasures, only just begun.

This mystic meeting gives my heart a glow
That few have seen and only you will know.

carmoebel images Author: Gloria Jean Berry

One thought on “{ Un soñador de sueños }

  1. He estado leyendo tu blog por la dedicacion que se entrega y despues de leer tus ultimos 4 post lo siguiente tuve que escribirlo:I read U everyday here and there unstoppable bee of everywhere, you come, you go, full of joy so I do, my soul enjoys can I meet you ask myself,free flying bee of no cage,can I see what is in yourself?don’t know if you’re engage?send an email reply back give me joyness with a note; that I really want to knowlos parrafos son de intension directa, me gustaria que tuvieramos comunicacion, me atrevo por que se que los comentarios son moderados.. saludos

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