Danish Style

Danish Noa Noa was founded by Harald Holstein in 1981 after his frustration with the 1980’s fashion. He wanted women to dress with more femininity and in softer colours. His brother Lars soon joined the company and together they developed Noa Noa to the brand it is today.

Noa Noa is based in a beautiful old farmhouse dating back to the 19th century in Northern Zealand in Denmark. It is from this barn that all design, development, marketing and selling is made.

Noa Noa is all about teamwork and opendoor policies. A healthy profit is also important to the brand as this will allow them to help determine their own future and organically continue their expansion around the world. The label is currently available in 18 countries around Europe as well as in Canada since spring 2008.

In 2003 the company also launched a girlswear range; Noa Noa Miniature.

Noa Noa is a label with productions in various countries around the world. The company pays a lot of attention making sure that all manufacturing is carried out with the environment and working conditions as their top priority and has as a result created a ‘code of conduct’. These are guidelines which every manufacturer strictly need to adhere to if they want to continue being part of the Noa Noa distribution line;

Our concerns of the environment and its protection
Our firm stand against child labour
Our demands for professional health and safety regulations


Noa Noa designs with all women in mind. They want it to be a label allowing women of all ages to express their ambition in an individual, feminine and delicate fashion.

The company has over the past year reached the status of being one of the leading fashion brands in Denmark and appeals to a large group of women from the young and hip to the more mature self-confident women.

Their style is all about femininity and they often get inspiration from vintage pieces and will change or add a modern take to an old style. One of their main ethoses is durability. Not only in the quality of the fabrics and make but also in the actual individual designs.

As much as the label listens to what’s out there and follows fashion and trends, the garments are designed with the aim of lasting many years by making style and femininity more important than the latest trend.

(images from noanoa)
(information: http://www.getmyfashion.com)
(images from pb)

12 thoughts on “Danish Style

  1. wow! estan increibles las fotos :). Y que bueno que regresaste!! ya tienes compu nueva me imagino!te extrañamos 🙂

  2. Hola Bere!Ya tenía más de un mes sin publicar nada, ya era hora. Compu nueva aun no. Me prestarán una computadora cada tres días, así que cada tres días actualizaré.Mucha gracias, yo también las extrañaba!

  3. Hola!! hace unos dias descubri tu blog y me ha encantado y mas xq es de mexico jeje, yo acabo de hacer mi blog se llama curiousstyle, por si algun dia gustas visitarlo, pero apenas voy iniciandolo eh!! asi que no hay mucho y todavia me falta mucho que hacerle ;). Bueno sobre el post, me encantan esos perritos, y no conocia esos diseños, i liked!! thanks… Saluditos xoxo

  4. Hola Hello, Ina!Eso de "xq es de México" me gustó. Hace como cinco años me daba cuenta que en México hacia falta algo así, pero hasta hace poco me lancé.Bienvenida…y espero verte de nuevo!

  5. Ay Artemis pero qué bonito!! Me encantaron las imágenes!!Puse unas fotos de globos en el blog hace unos días y me acordé de ti! Un besote.

  6. Hola Dana!!Están preciosas esas fotos y ando averiguando quién las tomó.Igualmente niña bonita!

  7. Si está hermoso! a mi me encantó ese estilo, es muy femenino.. me agradaría usarlo alguna vez en mi vida…!

  8. Dianishhh!Cuando estaba escribiendo este post, me acordé mucho de tú, ya sabrás por qué, no?Revisaba a cada rato el título de la entrada para estar segura que decía Danish y no Dianishh, jajaja.Que placer saber que te gustaron, ya tienes el link pasate un rato apreciando los modelos, siempre y cuando tengas tiempo.

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