Category Archives: bride


Hazel eyes that sparkle
Well into the night
Skin tender and pulsating
Into what seems so right
Holding onto you ever so tightly
Your essence quivering from excitement
From dusk into twilight

Laying beside you naked
Skin against skin
Yearning for acceptance
From all that’s within
Arms caressing eager parts
Your beauty lay before me
A flower opening for me to see in

A fragrance so exquisite
My brain becomes consumed
Your body beginning to sweat
An undeniable perfume
My body aches desiring more
Embraces moving towards contractions
For our lovemaking resumed

Watching you move every so gently
Under the warm glow of light
That explores areas unknown
With wanton delight
For touch that excites
To know each other intimately
Well into the night

Cascading emotions
Professing our adoration
Forever into the twilight
With perpetual infatuation
I want you always
To remain as one with me
Lovers always, without reservation

(images from bride)
(poem by A. Keith Barton)

Sounds of wedding bells

They waited sixteen long years
For the sounds of wedding bells
The wedding bells ring, dingdong, dingdong
The wedding bells sing, dingdong, dingdong
For all to hear strikingly clear
Hold your silence and wish them well

It is the sounds of wedding bells
This aged love birds have been waiting for
Once unofficial honeys
From this point declared official
In this matrimonial ceremony

I wish them well
Their braveness is my acknowledgement
Their enduring fight is my guiding light
Their victory will go down in history
Together they compliment and compliment
Each other like a perfect pair of fitting shoes

One way or another they already knew
Long before the sound of wedding bells
They would love each other till the very end

So listen to the sound of wedding bells
As they sing dingdong, dingdong
Perhaps for you it wouldn’t be long!

(images from pronovias)
(poem by Sylvia Chidi)