Something I Could Never Have But I Fought Till The End

I want you Bella
more than you could know
I love you Bella
if only you’d let me show
Can’t I hold you?
Can’t I be the one you choose?
Can’t I be the one to win?
Why do I have to lose?

If you had seen me first
Before you saw his leech-face
I wonder what the outcome
Would I stand in his place?

I hurt when I think of you
Yet I continue so
Bella you’re killing me
Each time that you say no

Come back to me
Come into my arms
I made a promise Bella
You I’d never harm

He left you for awhile
I watched you die inside
Yet you continue to go back
Edwards arms open wide

I could be your Edward
I’d be much safer than he
One last time Bella
Won’t you love me?

Forgetting is hard
Moving on is worse
Watching you by his side
Him the cause of this curse

You’re dying now Bella
And what can I do?
Remember what I said
I’d never harm you
I stood watching you die
Watching you fade
You are no longer my Bella
You’re something he made

I leave you in his hands
You belong to him
I give up Bella
Edward is the one to win

I see a face with chocolate eyes
They remind me of your own
Something in this baby girl
Makes me not feel alone

I can’t explain it just yet
No words can really convey
How she’s keeping me here
This little girl Renesmee

(images from impressionen)
(poem by r.lynn)

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