~Diamonds in the Sun~

Why can’t I fit the sun in my pocket?
Feel its warmth against my cold skin
Warmth that comforts my troubled thoughts

Why can’t I put the sun on my nightstand?
See it’s rays as my eyes open from sleep
Rays that outshine the shadows in my nightmares

Why can’t I put the sun on my nightstand?
See it’s rays as my eyes open from sleep
Rays that outshine the shadows in my nightmares

Why can’t I hold the sun in my hand?
Listen to its songs that fill my ears
Songs that remind me that I’m not alone in this world

Why can’t I keep the sun in my heart?
Fill the hole with its unending love
Love that could, possibly, make me forget the diamonds that cloud my vision

Why can’t I have the sun forever?
The answer to that is simple:
The sun will burn out in time,
But diamonds are forever.

(images from shootfactory & costalliving)
(poem by Kendra)

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